Looking after yourself during lockdown

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With half of Australia currently in lockdown due to Covid-19, we hope you are staying safe and well. Sudden changes brought on by a change in our situation can understandably cause feelings of disorientation and distress. Here, we explore some strategies that can help you to look after yourself during this lockdown period.

1. Accept what is outside of your control. Humans love to have control over their environment, but during a global pandemic, this is not always possible. By acknowledging what is inside your control, you can focus on those things which you can change, and let go of those that you cannot.

2. Stick to a daily routine. If you have always worked in an office environment and are suddenly required to work from home, with home schooling thrown in as well, this can be very challenging. You may have to set up a new work space and/or new technology. While it may be tempting to sleep in, you’ll likely feel much better if you get up at your usual time, and get dressed in comfortable clothing instead of staying in your pajamas all day.

3. Stay connected with friends and family. We are social animals. So while we may be physically distancing, we can still stay socially connected but using our phones, Facetime, Zoom and social media. Check in on your elderly relatives or friends who may be isolated. They will appreciate your calls.

3. Use the time to tackle projects or hobbies. Many of us have tasks around the house that we have been putting off, such as cleaning the windows, re-organsing our pantry or doing our tax return. Lockdown can mean we finally have the time required to get on top of these projects. You may even find you are able to get back to playing a musical instrument, bingeing on Netflix or baking your favourite treats.

5. Exercise daily. Exercise in nature has been proven to improve mood and wellbeing. Even a quick walk around the block can help to improve your state of mind, particularly if you have been inside all day. Sometimes you may not feel like doing it at the time, but you know you will feel so much better afterwards.

6. Eat well. Simple things like ensuring you eat a balanced diet of fruit, vegetables, protein, healthy fats and nuts will ensure you get your essential nutrients every day. The occasional comfort food delivery won’t harm you, but just make sure it doesn’t become a habit.

7. Don’t overdose on media. When everything is in a state of flux, it is natural to want to be up to date with all of the latest developments. However, watching back to back daily press conferences full of bad news can be quite depressing. Accessing just one update per day from a trusted news source can help you to get the important news you need, without overdosing. Consult government websites to source support that is available to you.

8. Show compassion for others. You may have heard the analogy that we are all in the same storm, but we are all in different boats. Some people may not be affected too much at all by the lockdown, where as other people may be hugely impacted. Many may have lost work, be experiencing stress to their business, or to their health. Others may be working on the front line with all of the anxiety which comes along with that. Be compassionate and think of others.

9. Look after your health. Some face to face medical appointments may not be possible at this time, but you can still access your doctor via telehealth, where appropriate. Emergency treatment and surgery will always be available. It is important that you don’t put off essential medical treatment.

10. Remind yourself that this temporary. It can be helpful to remember that no matter how tough things seem at the moment, this too shall pass.