Practice Manager
Annette ‘s career spans with extensive experience of many specialties, which include Breast and Endocrine, Sports Medicine, Radiology, Orthopaedic, Bariatric, Ophthalmology, Oral and Maxillofacial, General Surgery and General Practice.
Her wealth of knowledge and skills has assisted in the growth and development of Northern Specialist Suites.
Patient care and treatment is paramount, and Annette and the administration team focus on our patients to ensure a positive experience.
Medical Receptionist
Mel is a qualified Medical Receptionist with a strong background in the medical industry. Her career spans several years which include a career as a SSO in her local school whilst her children were school aged. They are now adults, and she is now enjoying her freedom and passion for the medical industry. She is a perfect “Director of First Impressions” on our reception desk, and we look forward to Mel as part of our team for many years to come.
Medical Receptionist
Rebecca is a Medical Receptionist with experience both in the GP and Specialist rooms.
She is bubbly, friendly and you will always hear her laughing. Her interaction with our patients and medical staff has been a positive one and her ability to solve problems is what makes her a perfect employee.
Bec has 2 children and a supportive partner and family. She is very involved in the sporting world and is a keen netballer. It is a pleasure having her on our team.
Erin has an extensive nursing background and performs ECG’s , Holters, BP monitors and assists in Stress Echo’s for our Cardiologists
She also assists Dr Pradhan, our Gynaecologist for minor procedures when required.
Medical Receptionist
Lucie’s background stems from 14 years as a Medical Receptionist within the specialty of ENT. She has significant customer experience with a previous background in the retail industry.
Lucie is our pocket rocket, always on the go and eager to help where she can. She is professional and keen to help in every aspect of our practice.
Respiratory Scientist
Hoang is available on Thursdays and Fridays. His Clinical practice is in PFT’s (Spirometry, Lung Volumes, Diffusing Capacity) and ABG’s. He has previously worked and SA Health and NT Government Department. Patient care is at the forefront of his service provision.