Dr Haque is a General, Hepatobiliary and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon working at Lyell McEwin Hospital and Calvary Central Districts, Calvary Adelaide ,Ashford Private Hospitals.

 After graduating from University of New South Wales in Sydney, he worked in various hospitals to attain General Surgery Training, obtaining Fellowship in 2017. He achieved three years of fellowship in Oesophagogastric, Hepatobiliary and General Surgery training in NSW and ACT. He then completed a 2-year ANZHPBA fellowship program at Royal Adelaide Hospital and Flinders Medical Centre. He specialises in managing diseases of the liver, pancreas, bile duct, gallbladder and stomach. He also has extensive experience in General Surgery such as hernia, endoscopy and colonoscopy, laparoscopy, laparotomy and emergency operations.

To arrange an appointment please obtain a referral from GP and either email or fax to NSS and our amazing team will contact you to make an appointment. Fax 08 82500322 or referral@northernss.net.au