What do I need to bring to my appointment?

Please bring your Medicare card, HCC, DVA card, referral, and copies of any previous investigations you have had in the past

You must have a valid referral from your GP or specialist if you wish to claim the Medicare rebate from your payment.

A valid referral can used for up to 12 months from your General Practitioner or up to 3 months from your specialist. If you do not have valid referral you will be liable for the entire payment of services. Invalid referrals cannot be modified after the appointment at our rooms.

A valid referral will be signed and dated and contain:

Name of doctor you wish to consult, with the requested service, Requests for tests addressed to a specific doctor or an unspecific doctor, plus the name, provider number and address of the referring practitioner.

You can email your referral to us at referral@northernss.net.au

What time should I arrive?

Do you provide interpreters?

Where is the best place to park?

New patients should arrive at least 10 minutes prior to their appointment so that the new patient paperwork can be completed.

Please let us know if English is not your preferred language so that we can arrange an interpreter for you.

There is ample parking on the street and also at the nearby Mawson Lakes interchange car park.

Is public transport available?

How do I make a payment?

Both buses and trains arrive at the Mawson Lakes Interchange, which is approximately 500m from Northern Specialist Suites, or a 1 minute walk away.

Payment can be made by cash or credit card. You must have a valid Medicare, HCC, DVA or pension card to obtain part benefits. We lodge your payment directly to Medicare. Once the payment has been made for your appointment, test or procedure you will receive the rebate from Medicare.